Jim Allen’s News
Jim Allen / Mark Harvey / Mark Williams
- 06 - 28 Nov, 2014
- Curated by Mark Williams
06-28 Nov
Opening Preview: 5pm - 7pm, 05 Nov
Jim Allen’s News presents video and still documentation of three works by Mark Harvey responding to a performance by Jim Allen entitled News.
Originally presented in front of a live audience in 1976, News features Allen engaged in a repeated action which over the course of 15 minutes gradually destroys a broadsheet newspaper.
For Jim Allen’s News, Mark Harvey has performed three works for video, one a re-enactment of the original News which is faithful to Allen’s original intent. The remaining two are self-devised works which show Harvey engaged in increasingly manic, physical encounters with the materiality of newspaper. Exhibited alongside the video are a series of still photographs which, under Jim Allen’s direction, document both Harvey’s performances and the act of documentation, raising questions about the relationship between the live event and it’s residue.
Jim Allen’s News, RAMP Gallery, WINTEC, Hamilton 6-28 November 2014
Curated by Mark Williams with Jim Allen and Mark Harvey
Thanks to RAMP staff, Daniel Strang, Michael Lett, Jo Williams, Torben Tilly, Nova Paul.
Mark Williams is the 2014 Wintec School of Media Arts Research Fellow