ThreeD Words

Three Words

  • 31 Oct - 15 Nov, 2016
  • NZ Women Comic Makers

ThreeD Words – an exhibition of new works by contributors to the recently published Three Words: An Anthology of Aotearoa/NZ Women’s Comics (Beatnik, 2016).

What started as a response to a glaring lack of representation of women in New Zealand’s anthologised histories of comics, Three Words quickly became a force of its own.  With over 60 contributors this comprehensive anthology explores women comic makers in all their glory.  At its core is a firm commitment to inclusivity and a willingness to embrace the diversity of these women and their practices.  Three Words makes visible the rich histories and dedicated communities that have always been there, whether others knew about them or not.

ThreeD Words at Ramp Gallery expands the conversations started in the anthology and provides a space for further artistic expression in all its forms.  It celebrates the fact that for women makers, comic making is often one of many hats worn.  There are paintings, drawings, video works, performances, installations, sculpture, body-parts and of course, comics.  Featuring over 30 artists, ThreeD Words is large and messy and strange and beautiful… just like life!

So join us for the opening of ThreeD Words to celebrate all things lady - but no promises that it will all be lady-like.  There will be live performances at the opening with refreshments provided.


Three Words: An anthology of Aotearoa/NZ Women's Comics
