Anna Jackson

4:00–5:30pm Wednesday 10 August, 2016

Events Room 01 / Gallagher Hub / Wintec

Dr Anna Jackson is a media researcher, teacher and learner. She is a lecturer at Colab, the 'collaboratory' for Design and Creative Technologies at the Auckland University of Technology, where her teaching and research focus is on transmedia/multiplatform production, interactive and immersive storytelling, expanded documentary practices and public media.

Anna’s recent creative collaborations include co-founding Transmedia NZ and documentary initiative Loading Docs, blogging for The Big Idea, creating transmedia content and strategy for the theatrical production Pure and Deep and working with the Art's Foundations' crowdfunding platform Boosted.

As the co-founder of the online documentary initiative Loading Docs, Anna will be speaking at Spark about the skills filmmakers need to succeed in a changing world, the secret to crafting a good story in three minutes and the exciting possibilities for documentary right now, from online shorts to VR and interactive iDocs.

Anna will be showing a selection of brand new Loading Docs 2016 documentary shorts.