Band in a Bubble

12:00–8:00pm Monday 14 August, 2017

Wharenui / Wintec

Band in a Bubble is a real time observational workshop.

A group of musicians from around New Zealand gather together for the first time at the wharenui at Wintec in Hamilton to compose, record and perform a new collection of songs. Get a chance to observe the often hidden process of composition and recording. See how it all happens and watch the creative process occur in real time.

Band in a Bubble involves a number of performers from the Wintec Music Department alongside special guests: John Egenes (USA/Dunedin), Reuben Bradley (Wellington) and Brooke Baker (Hamilton).

Band in the Bubble runs everyday from 12pm until late and observers are very welcome at the wharenui to watch them in action. To conclude #SPARK17 there will be a wrap party whereby you'll get to be part of the culmination of this project.