Graduate Panel

1:30–2:30pm Wednesday 16 August, 2017

Events Room 01 / Gallagher Hub / Wintec

The perennially popular Grad Panel invites Media Arts graduates to return to their roots and share insights on their journeys post-Wintec.

This year’s line-up includes a graphic designer who went straight to the Big Apple, a Canon-award winning journalist and a filmmaker skyping in from her latest global location.

Raewyn Brandon didn't even get a chance to attend her own graduation as she went straight to Behance/Adobe in New York after finishing her degree – in our very own School of Media Arts. She worked as a Lead Designer after a six-month internship. Now, after showcasing her work to friends and family and the end of her final year, she’s showcasing work to an international audience.  She also runs her own company in Mount Maunganui and will be running a workshop while we have her back.

By now it’s almost impossible not to recognise the name Donna-Lee Biddle. While simultaneously completing the Bachelor of Media Arts in Journalism and the National Diploma of Journalism, Donna-Lee also landed a job at Waikato Times in her final year, editing student-run magazine Te Kete Kōrero in her spare time. After graduation in 2015 she launched straight into her career at Fairfax Media and currently reports on education and court for the Waikato Times, with the 2017 Best Reporter (Junior) Canon Media Award to her name.

Starting her career in Moving Image, Kristy Pearson soon moved into a role with Digital Frontier, a global virtual reality, interactive media and animation corporation. She will be Skyping in from her latest location to chat about the industry, her experiences and professional practice.