Jason Little and Johanna Roca

3:00–4:30pm Monday 14 August, 2017

RG.02 / R Block / Wintec

Following his presentation on making work that matters, Jason Little will be joined by Johanna Roca, one of For the People’s Experience Design Lead and co-Creative Director, for real conversations about emerging technologies in the world.

Doing work that creates positive change in the world is an increasing priority for people, companies and organisations, and we are at a point where technology is empowering this change. With an AI future looming ahead of us, technology needs to become more and more human in order to close the technology gap for people.

For the Bots will get you prototyping your own bot and thinking critically about their impact on society and yourselves. The future of interaction is conversational but until machines talk and understand humans the way we understand each other, we have chatbots.