Judy Darragh

4:30–5:30pm Monday 14 August, 2017

Social Space / R Block / Wintec

Our very own Queen of Kitsch, Judy Darragh, is a New Zealand artist known for working with found objects to create sculptural assemblages of objects, recycled items, industrial materials, collage, photography, video, and poster art.

Judy's practice came to prominence during the 1980s in an era of conspicuous consumption and her work displays a fondness for everyday objects that are witty, provocative and appealing. She has played significant roles in the development of Artspace and the independent artist-run Teststrip, becoming a national treasure in our art scene.

Judy will be running a valuable workshop focused on sustaining your practice post-art school while the art world operates around you, and how to overcome the challenges you’ll face after graduation.  This workshop is open to members of the public and will run right before our opening night of Nell's exhibition at Ramp Gallery.

Thanks for your interest in Judy's workshop, however this is now fully booked.