Lonnie Hutchinson Exhibition

5:30–7:30pm Monday 8 August, 2016

Ramp Gallery / R Block / Wintec

Lonnie Hutchinson (Ngāi Tahu/Kai Tahu, Samoan, Ngāti Kuri ki Ngāi Tahu) is a multi-media artist who works across a wide range of media including moving image, performance, painting, sculpture and installation.

The discipline of drawing always lies at the foundation of her practice and for Light my fire at Ramp Gallery, Lonnie has created a new series of drawings on paper. 

Light my fire explores the body and the politics of smoking – an activity that has shifted through the decades from the glamourous film stars of the past to the socially and politically charged campaigns of packaging warnings and rising taxes.  Lonnie’s expressive drawings give a nostalgic nod to that past and continue her longstanding enquiries of the body, with a focus on exploring gender and cultural identities.