Six Orbits Around the Blue Moon

Six Orbits Around the Blue Moon

RAMP gallery is pleased to present ësix orbits around the blue mooní, a group exhibition of artists selected and co-ordinated by Nadine Christensen, in conjunction with SPARK 05. 

ësix orbits around the blue mooní includes work by Robert Vitticome, Justine Khamara, Tony Garifilakis, Darren Sylvester, Nadine Christensen and James Lynch. All the artists are Melbourne-based but have never shown together before, and have been asked to contribute one discrete artwork for the exhibition. ëTheyíre all works we loveí enthuses Christensen. 

Ledge gallery presents new work by Hamilton old girl Nicola Farquhar, with a wistful fantasy-styled illustration about a girl called Anita, and a story of adoration fascination and narcissism. 

Opening @ RAMP Gallery Tuesday August 23 at 6pm.