The Waikato Matrix

3:00–8:00pm Thursday 11 August, 2016

Meteor Theatre

The Waikato Matrix is an experiment from Wintec researchers Joe Citizen, Jason Long, Gert Hattingh and Andy Fendall.

Recent advances in both art and science have seen a collision of sorts: science informs art through hacker-maker spaces, art informs science through interactivity and data visualisation. Call it a type of magic, synergy, an activation of sorts - each domain benefits when it rubs shoulders with ways of thinking that challenge its own deep rooted assumptions. This is an experimental space, that’s experimental as in improvisation, realisation, transformation. It’s a sort of a performance too, for the really good stuff emerges when you shift bits of information around just by moving-thinking-feeling-being in the same space. But it is an experiment - it might not turn out like we think it’s going to - it might turn out to be something else completely different.

Runs 9 -11 August