small press

Bryce Galloway

  • 8 May - 23 May , 2014
  • curated by Bryce Galloway

Print media is alive and kicking, at least in the world of fanzines. Fanzines (or zines) are oddball self published magazines. Despite, or because of, the world wide web, fanzines are experiencing a boom. small press at RAMP Gallery surveys some of the best Australasian fanzines from recent years.  Join us for the opening preview of small press Wed 7 May, 5-7pm.

Immediately preceding the opening of small press, curator and long-time zine-maker Bryce Galloway will hold a workshop in the gallery from 3:30pm.  Bryce Galloway teaches zine-making classes at Massey University, where the front page of the assignment reads: “Zines have no place in a university; the idea that a student could fail this paper for making a bad zine is perverse...” With ambivalence, Galloway has taken the punk rock DIY of the zine to university scholarship. Hear Bryce talk about his mixed feelings on teaching zine-making, and why he persists.

(Zines (abbreviated from fanzines) are self-published magazines of an oddball nature)

RAMP is also excited about the inaugural Hamilton Zinefest. Check out Hamilton Zinefest's website, and follow them on their facebook group


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