Kōrero / Kai / Mahi: Present Tense - Wāhine Toi Aotearoa
Designers Speak (Up) / Directory of Women Designers
- Sat 11 May, 2019
- A day of talking, eating and making
- Hamilton Zinefest [Meteor Theatre] + Ramp Gallery
Present Tense : Wāhine Toi Aotearoa is a moment-in-time record of the current landscape of women in design, using the poster format to give visibility and voice to the unsung diversity of Aotearoa design.
A day of kōrero / kai / mahi will be held on Saturday 11 May, beginning with an informal hui at the Hamilton Zinefest, followed by an afternoon of poster making, finishing at RAMP Gallery
Around-the-table kōrero over kai with Designers Speak (Up) + contributors to Present Tense : Wahine Toi Aotearoa
when: 10:30am—12:15pm
where: Zinefest, The Meteor Theatre, 1 Victoria Street
Poster-making workshop
when: 1:30—4:00pm
where: Wintec R Block Studios, Access from Ramp Gallery
Installation of workshop posters
when: 4:00–5:00pm
where: RAMP Gallery, 111 Collingwood Street
Email: info@rampgallery.co.nz for more information or to secure your spot.